
AI-Powered Contract Data Extraction: The Game Changer in Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry generates and stores vast amounts of data every day including patient records, medical history, diagnoses, treatment plans, and outcomes, and the extraction of such data from medical records is a crucial task that allows healthcare providers to access and analyze relevant information about patients. This information can be used to improve patient […]

AI-Powered Contract Data Extraction: The Game Changer in Healthcare Industry Read More »

CEO Blog 9: How do I extract contract obligations? And what do I do with the information?

Obligations and rights in a contract! Typically, in a contract, there is no specific section with says “Obligations”. Obligations and rights are strewn throughout the contract. Obligations typically say things like “Party will do…”, and “Party shall do…”. Rights are typically outlined as “Party has the right to audit….”, “Customer may extend the agreement…”, “Customer

CEO Blog 9: How do I extract contract obligations? And what do I do with the information? Read More »

CEO Blog 8: What are the best practices for legacy contract migration/data extraction?

Not sure where to start?  We’ve curated the best legacy contract migration/data extraction practices to get you started It’s important to cover the best practices, partially covered in the previous blogs. 1.     Decide which contracts you want to migrate 2.     Decide what data points you want to report on across a set of these legacy contracts 3.     Set

CEO Blog 8: What are the best practices for legacy contract migration/data extraction? Read More »

CEO Blog 6: How do I prepare my legacy documents for ease of migration into a CLM?

The larger the company, the more the contracts – that is a given. The larger the company, the more divisions. The larger the company, the more these divisions work in silos. All companies run on contracts – buy-side and sell-side. When moving to a new enterprise or contract management lifecycle system no one wants to

CEO Blog 6: How do I prepare my legacy documents for ease of migration into a CLM? Read More »

CEO Blog 3: Can I extract and track my business specific information?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As part of the legacy contract migration/data extraction series of blogs, here is the 3rd one of the series. Can I extract and track my business-specific information? But of course! In fact, 30-40% of the information Brightleaf extracts is our clients’ business-specific information. To give an example, for a Class 1 Railroad company, we extracted

CEO Blog 3: Can I extract and track my business specific information? Read More »

CEO Blog 2: What attributes do I extract and ingest into a CLM during the legacy contract migration process?

The first part of the series covered, what is legacy contract migration and why do I need to do it? Here we will discuss the next/second question that is asked very often too, what attributes do I extract and ingest into a CLM during the legacy contract migration process into a CLM? There is no

CEO Blog 2: What attributes do I extract and ingest into a CLM during the legacy contract migration process? Read More »