Extract Insights, Ensure Compliance
Brightleaf’s support of manufacturers includes transforming paper and digital contracts for all aspects of manufacturing to enable manufacturers better management of their business.
21st Century manufacturing is complex involving suppliers, customers, logistics management, just-in-time deliveries, equipment management, and maintenance and leases amongst other business issues.
Add Just-in-time manufacturing and the necessity to juggle materials inbound from vendors, manufacturing equipment performance, labor agreements, logistics, and delivery add another degree of complexity and logistics.
You need to not only have contracts in place but be able to inquire and report on them so you can manage to the highest efficiency. Brightleaf solves this problem by populating your Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) system with accurate, comprehensive meaningful information abstracted from your contracts for your business needs.
Comprehensive includes the addenda, notes, MoAs, images, pdf documents attached to contracts as well as the core contract. This is a Six Sigma process delivering 99.99% accuracy.
Effectively managing buy-side and sell-side agreements enhances relationships
Manufacturing companies are subject to stringent regulations regarding product safety, labor practices, and environmental impact. Ensure that data is extracted and migrated in a secure and compliant manner, lowering the risk of regulatory non-compliance.