contract abstraction

Contract analysis – why and how?

The analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it. When we talk about ‘contract analysis’ plenty of questions come to mind – does it refer to the financial analysis of a contract or it is about cost-effectiveness, business analysis, or maybe price

Contract analysis – why and how? Read More »

Simplify contract management

Is it your core business or your contracts, that should take your maximum time and effort? With contracts, always in a state of flux, being renewed or newly negotiated it may seem like a good idea at first to buy software for your in-house system. However, you need to buy, install and train and then

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What Six Sigma really means in contract attribute extraction for Contract Management Systems

Getting all your contracts into a Contact Management System means you can manage your contractual obligations and risks. To do this you need reliable information that is both accurate and comprehensive in the database. Any error, such as a different multiplier in a penalty clause, wrong expiry date, or just a missed and not included

What Six Sigma really means in contract attribute extraction for Contract Management Systems Read More »

The wisdom of capturing all your legacy contracts, not just those from today forward

When you go into a contract management system, from what point in time do you start entering contracts? Most think from today because legacy contracts are too difficult. But that can expose you to risk and lost opportunity. Every contract is important, especially if it contains opportunity or risk. Older contracts have the same essential

The wisdom of capturing all your legacy contracts, not just those from today forward Read More »

Find money in your contracts

Wow…what a concept!!  Finding money to add to your bottom line that you didn’t know you had.  How can that happen?!?  Vendor/Supplier contracts, as with many other types, have performance penalty clauses.  Often times, these are forgotten because contracts are drafted and filed away and these clauses often times, are forgotten and lost! If you

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Automated Contract Management

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The ultimate goal of automating the contract management process is to lessen the business and reputational risks of corporations by ensuring they comply with the terms and conditions of every contract. Most importantly, automated contract management enables corporations to foresee their rights and obligations, and thus prevents future litigation and its cost.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=\”9655\” img_size=\”large\” alignment=\”center\”

Automated Contract Management Read More »