
CEO Blog 6: How do I prepare my legacy documents for ease of migration into a CLM?

The larger the company, the more the contracts – that is a given. The larger the company, the more divisions. The larger the company, the more these divisions work in silos. All companies run on contracts – buy-side and sell-side. When moving to a new enterprise or contract management lifecycle system no one wants to

CEO Blog 6: How do I prepare my legacy documents for ease of migration into a CLM? Read More »

CEO Blog 3: Can I extract and track my business specific information?

As part of the legacy contract migration/data extraction series of blogs, here is the 3rd one of the series. Can I extract and track my business-specific information? But of course! In fact, 30-40% of the information Brightleaf extracts is our clients’ business-specific information. To give an example, for a Class 1 Railroad company, we extracted

CEO Blog 3: Can I extract and track my business specific information? Read More »

CEO Blog 2: What attributes do I extract and ingest into a CLM during the legacy contract migration process?

The first part of the series covered, what is legacy contract migration and why do I need to do it? Here we will discuss the next/second question that is asked very often too, what attributes do I extract and ingest into a CLM during the legacy contract migration process into a CLM? There is no

CEO Blog 2: What attributes do I extract and ingest into a CLM during the legacy contract migration process? Read More »