
Converting your unstructured/semi-structured contractual data into reportable structured format

Technology companies today operate in immediate real-time, an environment that is dynamic and ever-evolving. Managing the risk/reward of contract obligations in technology organizations ensures staying in business, and growing rapidly. So, the question is: How do you structure all your disparate contracts with their attachments so that you have the ability to use them for

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Benefits of migrating contracts into a Contract Lifecycle Management System

Monitoring various legal, and financial risks within contracts is definitely a need for the day and migrating abstracted data into a CLM to monitor and manage your contracts is the focal point of the process. Organizations can have a number of legacy contracts residing across the company divisions, shared folders, and other repositories, which might

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Benefits of Contract Summarization

Contract Summarization is the restating of the salient points of interest in the contracts in as few words as possible with the goal to simplify the given information by pointing to the most relevant terms and clauses in the contract, limiting the need for accessing the original documents. Some of the benefits of contract summarization

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KYO – Know Your Obligations (Obligation Tracking)

Contract obligation management, also known as contract obligation tracking, involves a structured process of deconstructing contracts into a predefined format, tailored to user needs. By illuminating the contract with mathematical clarity, it allows it to communicate and explain itself to readers without complex analysis. This approach reveals contract intricacies clearly, sparing readers from interpretation burdens.

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